من سيرة القديس إليـــان الحمصي
وديــره في حمص
المهندس جورج فارس رباحية
تــاريخ دير القــديس إليان بحمص
في عهد الإمبراطور قسطنطين ( 274 ـ 337 ) عادت حمص إلى الإيمان المسيحي ففي سنة 313 كان قد صدر قرار ميلانو الشهير الذي أعلن حرية الأديان في جميع أنحاء الإمبراطورية الرومانية . وأصبح قبر القديس إليان موضع إجلال جميع الناس وكانت رفاته تشفي المرضى وتُحقّق عجائب متنوّعة . ولم تتغلّب المسيحية على الوثنية نهائياً إلاّ في عهد الإمبراطور ثيودوسيوس الثاني ( 408 ـ 450 ) الذي أمر بهدم المعابد وإحراق الأصنام . ففتحت الكنائس ودُقّت الأجراس وأُقيمت الصلوات علناً في كل مكان . كان على حمص في تلك الفترة أسقف يُدعى بولس ، فعندما علمَ بسيرة القديس إليان وقصة استشهاده ، قرّر أن يبني من ماله الخاص كنيسة على اسم القديس مكان المغارة التي استشهد فيها وأن تُنقَل إليها رفاته ، فأُقيمت شرقي المدينة كنيسة كبيرة مجهزة بالأعمدة ومزينة بالرخام والفضة .وتم نقل رُفات القديس إليان إليها ووضعها وراء المذبح بتاريخ 15/ نيسان /432 ، في تابوت من الرخام أبعاده

ترنيمة القديس إيليان
نظمها الأديب داود قسطنطين الخوري ( 1860 ـ 1939 )
نغمتها حجاز بوزن : نورنا آسير يانتو ( لكِ يا أرض الشآم )
تُرتَّل في نهاية القدّاس في كنيسة القديس إيليان بحمص
من قِبَل جوقة الكنيسة
لكِ ياحمصُ افتخارُ ثابتٍ طولَ الزّمانِ
أنتِ للأبـرارِ دارُ أنتِ منشا يولـيانِ
يا إيليــان يا بهاء الشهدا
اشفِ نفسي وداوِ للجسـدا
يا من استشهدّتَ في ثا لث قرن للمســيحِ
ذقت موتاً رغبـة في دينه الحق الصحيحِ
ذقت في الإيمان ذلاًّ وثبـاتاً وجــلاده
واحتملت الذلّ حتى نلتَ إكلـيل الشهاده
لم يكن يُثنيك في الإ يمانِ عنف الحاكمين
وقبلتَ الموت موت الشــهداء الباسلين
فأبوك العــابد الأو ثان والمـر النـكال
شجّ منك الرأس عنفاً بالمسامير الطــوال
في الورى كنت مجيداً وابن إجــلالٍ رفيع
عِفتَ هذا المـجد والإ جلال حُبّاً بيســوع
ياشــهيداً قد تجـلّى في البرايا نور فضله
كُن لنا خــير شفيعٍ عنـد مَنْ مُتَّ لأجله
يا طبيباً كم شفى في الناس من داءٍ وســقمِ
داوِ آلامـي لأُشْـفى من ضنى نفسي وجسمي
ملاحظة : تعرّض الدير للسرقة في 4/9/2011 بخلع باب الكنيسة وسرقة صناديق التبرّع وسرقة صليب الهيكل وصليب المناولة من قبَل مجهولين . المفـــردات : (1) ـ ورد في كتاب جبرائيل سعادة أن والد إليان يُدعى ( خسطارس ) (2) ـ سلوانس: فلسطيني الأصل نشأ في قيصرية فلسطين في العشر الأول من القرن 3" المصــادر والمـــراجع : ـ السواعي الكبير : القدس 1886 ـ إنارة الأذهان في ترجمة الشهيد الحمصي إيليان : الخوري عيسى أسعد 1928 ـ تاريخ حمص الجزء الأول : الخوري عيسى اسعد 1939 ـ القديس إليان الحمصي : جبرائيل سعادة 1974 ـ نشرات صادرة عن دير القديس إليان
St. Elian Al- Homsi
And his Monastery in Homs
And his Monastery in Homs
George Fares Rabahieh
Born Saint Elian in Homs city(syria) in the third century AD from a father named ( Kndekeus ) (1 ) of the slaves to the idols and objects and has a large center in the city, and called ( Okhthstra ) is said to be of Greek origin where the name means ( fish stars) and was on the degree high of gentility and good breeding . Their son was named ( Elian ) and took care of a nanny called upbringing ( Matrona ) and was a Christian and began to give him the principles of Christianity secretly without the knowledge of his family . And through it he was visiting the hermit priest doctor ( Ebatus ) in spring Hermel northwest of Homs and was called hermit ( Orantes), which means the Orantes River and saves him the secrets of the Christian religion , and also meet with the bishop of Homs Silwanus (2) and his student Luke and the reader Mukyos . Was Elian was very pleased military life that earned him a strong structure and the strength of muscle and courage of the heart , has been seen in his frequent visits to the hermit to write to his father to allow him to retire from the military actions to devote himself to the collection of Medical Sciences . his father allowed him to do so An understanding of medical information meritorious shortly and learn medicine with great skill and was keen to heal the sick and treated with love of Christ and the faith of the Apostles and this was its icon in official dressed in a Roman cavalry riding a horse and carrying a spear in his left hand by his side and mortars and the hammer , which indicates that a doctor. Homs Doctors rings to his father and said to him : (Your son bode with Christians and derision from our Gods how satisfied so even aware of the Emperor of the anger you ) .
Elian was a believer man puts all his hope in Jesus Christ and was praying day and night and clings fast and does good deeds deals with the poor and distributes them all what is in his hand from his father's wealth .
In the year 284AD , when the emperor ordered ( Nommerean ) persecution of Christians throughout the empire. Forced most of the residents of Homs to leave the worship of the true God and follow the pagan religion but Elian was one of the few who did not afraid from the persecution remained conservative on faith in the rectum and was among those who did not depart from the faith bishop Silwanus and his disciples Luke and Mukyos . Knew the father of Elian they preach the religion of Christ threw them prey to the wild animals and so martyrs on 10 / March / 284AD .
Elian began after the death of his comrades openly shows his respect for them and recite his faith and attacking the idols , his father ordered soldiers to arrest him . Elian stayed in a prison eleven months , during which he urges all who come to him to leave the worship of idols and catch up with the Lord Jesus Christ. This act anger his father and decided to torture and kill him, handed him over to the torturers to the east of the city and tied him with ropes and shaved his hair and then plunge twelve long nails in his head and his hands and feet . And then he cried : (Oh my God dwells in heaven and earth ..... Give me the strength to bear the bitterness of this agony) and fainted , forsook him, executioners and started thinking that he died . While Elian was alive and soon to gather his strength and managed to drag himself to a cave nearby was Christian earthen and when their income glory of God, saying, " Thank you God that you help me to this torment for Your holy name ," and then gave up the ghost and that was in 6 / February / 285AD. , and two days after taking the potter Relics and put it in the church ( the Apostles and St. Barbara ) . His re- Orthodox Church on the sixth day of February .
Date of the monastery of St. Elian Homs
In the reign of Emperor Constantine ( 274- 337 )AD returned Homs to the Christian faith in the year 313AD had been issued the famous Milan 's decision which declared freedom of religion throughout the Empire Romania . And became the subject of the tomb of St. Elian reverence for all people , and his remains were cures the sick and the wonders of the check variety . Christianity did not prevail on the final paganism only in the reign of Emperor Theodosius II ( 408 - 450 ) AD. who ordered the demolition of temples and burning of idols . Opened churches and rang bells and held prayers in public everywhere .
Was on Homs in that period bishop named Paul , when aware of the legacy of St. Elian and the story of his death , he decided to build his private church on the name of St Elian in the same place cave cited therein and transported to his remains , kicked off the east of the city a large church equipped with columns and decorated with marble and silver . Was the transfer of the remains of St. Elian them and put them behind the altar on 15 / April / 432AD , in a coffin of marble dimensions : (length 23.2 cm., display 35.1 m, height 06.1 m. Cover pyramidal shape and decorated sides with cover 11 Cross ) . The Church knows so far as : ( Deir Mar Elian ) .
In the first half of the nineteenth century, the church was just building a small length of nine meters and width of five meters , is no longer accommodate worshipers must be expanded , were determined priest city then Father Joseph Rabahieh begin its expansion and restoration in the 18 / September / 1843 and took work 45 days in which members of the community .
In 1970 decided to Bishop Homs Alexei Abdul Karim made renovations to the church and on the walls , and while the workers were clean to scrape the walls they found in room which the tomb of St.Elian fees mural ( Frisk ) around and above the coffin bearing the writings of Greek , Arab, also appeared in the spot under the fee remains of the mosaic , was to inform the Directorate of Antiquities disclosure on these fees , study and determine its history where it was found that the mosaics dating back to the sixth century ( the reign of Justinian ) turn back to the 12th " or 13 "century , the impact of this discovery decide to decorate the wall church with Icons . Began painters Romanians brothers ( Gabriel and Michael Moroshan ) in 1973 to carry out this work , and was decorating all the walls of the church and ceiling fees occupy an area of 800 m 2 represented more than 70 images of the life of Christ and the number of saints and scenes from the life of St. Elian . In 1974, the structure has been installe dnew ( Aiconstas ) made of carved wood gift came from Romania . After the completion of these actions was the inauguration of the church on 3 / February / 1974 in the presence of the Patriarch Elias IV Moawad .
Association of monastery still reforms in the church and the square and the main interface to him .
The monastery followed to Homs Orthodox church.
8/8/2008 George Fares Rabahieh
Note : The monastery of theft 4/9/2011 dislocated in the door of the church and stealing donation boxes . The theft Cross Structure and Cross handling by unknown assailants .
Vocabulary :
(1) Mentioned in the book of Gabriel Saadeh the father of Elian called (Khostars ). (2) Silwanus : Palestinian origin, grew up in Caesarea of Palestine in the first ten days of the 3rd century "
Sources and references :
-- Alswaaei great : Jerusalem 1886
-- Lighting mind in the translation of the martyr al-Homsi Elian : Issa El-Khoury happiest 1928
-- Date of Homs Part I: Issa El-Khoury Asaad 1939
-- St Elian Homsi : Gabriel HE 1974
-- Bulletins issued by the Monastery of St. Elian