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قوانين المنتدى " التعديل الاخير 17/03/2018 "

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قواعد المنتدى:
التسجيل في هذا المنتدى مجاني , نحن نصر على إلتزامك بالقواعد والسياسات المفصلة أدناه.
إن مشرفي وإداريي منتدى الشباب المسيحي - سوريا بالرغم من محاولتهم منع جميع المشاركات المخالفة ، فإنه ليس بوسعهم استعراض جميع المشاركات.
وجميع المواضيع تعبر عن وجهة نظر كاتبها ولا يتحمل أي من إدارة منتدى الشباب المسيحي - سوريا أي مسؤولية عن مضامين المشاركات.
عند التسجيل بالمنتدى فإنك بحكم الموافق على عدم نشر أي مشاركة تخالف قوانين المنتدى فإن هذه القوانين وضعت لراحتكم ولصالح المنتدى، فمالكي منتدى الشباب المسيحي - سوريا لديهم حق حذف ، أو مسح ، أو تعديل ، أو إغلاق أي موضوع لأي سبب يرونه، وليسوا ملزمين بإعلانه على العام فلا يحق لك الملاحقة القانونية أو المسائلة القضائية.

- تجنب استخدام حجم خط كبير (أكبر من 4) او صغير (أصغر من 2) او اختيار نوع خط رديء (سيء للقراءة).
- يمنع وضع عدد كبير من المواضيع بنفس القسم بفترة زمنية قصيرة.
- التأكد من ان الموضوع غير موجود مسبقا قبل اعتماده بالقسم و هالشي عن طريق محرك بحث المنتدى او عن طريق محرك بحث Google الخاص بالمنتدى والموجود بأسفل كل صفحة و التأكد من القسم المناسب للموضوع.
- إحترم قوانين الملكية الفكرية للأعضاء والمواقع و ذكر المصدر بنهاية الموضوع.
- مو المهم وضع 100 موضوع باليوم و انما المهم اعتماد مواضيع ذات قيمة و تجذب بقية الاعضاء و الابتعاد عن مواضيع العاب العد متل "اللي بيوصل للرقم 10 بياخد بوسة" لأنو مخالفة و رح تنحزف.
- ممنوع وضع الاعلانات التجارية من دون موافقة الادارة "خارج قسم الاعلانات".
- ممنوع وضع روابط دعائية لمواقع تانية كمان من دون موافقة الادارة "خارج قسم الاعلانات".
- لما بتشوفو موضوع بغير قسمو او فيو شي مو منيح او شي مو طبيعي , لا تردو عالموضوع او تحاورو صاحب الموضوع او تقتبسو شي من الموضوع لأنو رح يتعدل او ينحزف و انما كبسو على "التقرير بمشاركة سيئة" و نحن منتصرف.
- لما بتشوفو موضوع بقسم الشكاوي و الاقتراحات لا تردو على الموضوع الا اذا كنتو واثقين من انكم بتعرفو الحل "اذا كان الموضوع عبارة عن استفسار" , اما اذا كان الموضوع "شكوى" مافي داعي تردو لأنو ممكن تعبرو عن وجهة نظركم اللي ممكن تكون مختلفة عن توجه المنتدى مشان هيك نحن منرد.
- ممنوع وضع برامج الاختراق او المساعدة بعمليات السرقة وبشكل عام الـ "Hacking Programs".
- ممنوع طرح مواضيع او مشاركات مخالفة للكتاب المقدس " الانجيل " وبمعنى تاني مخالفة للايمان المسيحي.
- ممنوع طرح مواضيع او مشاركات تمس الطوائف المسيحية بأي شكل من الاشكال "مدح او ذم" والابتعاد بشكل كامل عن فتح اي نقاش يحمل صبغة طائفية.
- ضمن منتدى " تعرفون الحق و الحق يحرركم " بالامكان طرح الاسئلة بصيغة السؤال والجواب فقط ويمنع فتح باب النقاش والحوار بما يؤدي لمهاترات وافتراض اجوبة مسبقة.

عناوين المواضيع:
- عنوان الموضوع لازم يعبر عن محتوى الموضوع و يفي بالمحتوى و ما لازم يكون متل هيك "الكل يفوت , تعوا بسرعة , جديد جديد , صور حلوة , الخ ....".
- لازم العنوان يكون مكتوب بطريقة واضحة بدون اي اضافات او حركات متل "(((((((((العنوان)))))))))))) , $$$$$$$$$ العنوان $$$$$$$$$".
- عنوان الموضوع ما لازم يحتوي على اي مدات متل "الــعــنـــوان" و انما لازم يكون هيك "العنوان".

- ممنوع تغيير مسار الموضوع لما بكون موضوع جدي من نقاش او حوار.
- ممنوع فتح احاديث جانبية ضمن المواضيع وانما هالشي بتم عالبرايفت او بالدردشة.
- ممنوع استخدام الفاظ سوقية من سب او شتم او تجريح او اي الفاظ خارجة عن الزوق العام.
- ممنوع المساس بالرموز و الشخصيات الدينية او السياسية او العقائدية.
- استخدام زر "thanks" باسفل الموضوع اذا كنتو بدكم تكتبو بالمشاركة كلمة شكر فقط.
- لما بتشوفو مشاركة سيئة او مكررة او مو بمحلها او فيا شي مو منيح , لا تردو عليها او تحاورو صاحب المشاركة او تقتبسو من المشاركة لأنو رح تنحزف او تتعدل , وانما كبسو على "التقرير بمشاركة سيئة" و نحن منتصرف.

- ممنوع استخدام اكتر من عضوية "ممنوع التسجيل بأكتر من اسم".
- ممنوع اضافة حركات او رموز لاسم العضوية متل " # , $ , () " و انما يجب استخدام حروف اللغة الانكليزية فقط.
- ممنوع اضافة المدات لاسم العضوية "الـعـضـويـة" و انما لازم تكون بهل شكل "العضوية".
- ممنوع استخدام اسماء عضويات تحتوي على الفاظ سوقية او الفاظ بزيئة.
- ممنوع وضع صورة رمزية او صورة ملف شخصي او صور الالبوم خادشة للحياء او الزوق العام.
- التواقيع لازم تكون باللغة العربية او الانكليزية حصرا و يمنع وضع اي عبارة بلغة اخرى.
- ما لازم يحتوي التوقيع على خطوط كتيرة او فواصل او المبالغة بحجم خط التوقيع و السمايليات او المبالغة بمقدار الانتقال الشاقولي في التوقيع "يعني عدم ترك سطور فاضية بالتوقيع و عدم تجاوز 5 سطور بحجم خط 3".
- ما لازم يحتوي التوقيع على لينكات "روابط " دعائية , او لمواقع تانية او لينك لصورة او موضوع بمنتدى اخر او ايميل او اي نوع من اللينكات , ما عدا لينكات مواضيع المنتدى.
- تعبئة كامل حقول الملف الشخصي و هالشي بساعد بقية الاعضاء على معرفة بعض اكتر و التقرب من بعض اكتر "ما لم يكن هناك سبب وجيه لمنع ذلك".
- فيكم تطلبو تغيير اسم العضوية لمرة واحدة فقط وبعد ستة اشهر على تسجيلكم بالمنتدى , او يكون صار عندكم 1000 مشاركة , ومن شروط تغيير الاسم انو ما يكون مخالف لشروط التسجيل "قوانين المنتدى" و انو الاسم الجديد ما يكون مأخود من قبل عضو تاني , و انو تحطو بتوقيعكم لمدة اسبوع على الاقل "فلان سابقا".
- يمنع انتحال شخصيات الآخرين أو مناصبهم من خلال الأسماء أو الصور الرمزية أو الصور الشخصية أو ضمن محتوى التوقيع أو عن طريق الرسائل الخاصة فهذا يعتبر وسيلة من وسائل الإحتيال.

الرسائل الخاصة:
الرسائل الخاصة مراقبة مع احترام خصوصيتا وذلك بعدم نشرها على العام في حال وصلكم رسالة خاصة سيئة فيكم تكبسو على زر "تقرير برسالة خاصة" ولا يتم طرح الشكوى عالعام "متل انو توصلكم رسالة خاصة تحتوي على روابط دعائية لمنتجات او مواقع او منتديات او بتحتوي على الفاظ نابية من سب او شتم او تجريح".
لما بتوصلكم رسائل خاصة مزعجة و انما ما فيها لا سب ولا شتم ولا تجريح ولا روابط دعائية و انما عم يدايقكم شي عضو من كترة رسائلو الخاصة فيكم تحطو العضو على قائمة التجاهل و هيك ما بتوصل اي رسالة خاصة من هالعضو.
و تزكرو انو الهدف من الرسائل الخاصة هو تسهيل عملية التواصل بين الاعضاء.

عدم التطرق إلى سياسة الدولة الخارجية أو الداخلية أو حتى المساس بسياسات الدول الصديقة فالموقع لا يمت للسياسة بصلة ويرجى التفرقة بين سياسات الدول وسياسات الأفراد والمجتمعات وعدم التجريح أو المساس بها فالمنتدى ليس حكر على فئة معينة بل يستقبل فئات عدة.
عدم اعتماد مواضيع أو مشاركات تهدف لزعزعة سياسة الجمهورية العربية السورية أو تحاول أن تضعف الشعور القومي أو تنتقص من هيبة الدولة ومكانتها أو أن يساهم بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر بزعزعة الأمن والاستقرار في الجمهورية العربية السورية فيحق للادارة حذف الموضوع مع ايقاف عضوية صاحب الموضوع.

بسبب تنوع المخالفات و عدم امكانية حصر هالمخالفات بجدول محدد , منتبع اسلوب مخالفات بما يراه المشرف مناسب من عدد نقط و مدة المخالفة بيتراوح عدد النقط بين 1-100 نقطة , لما توصلو لل 100 بتم الحظر الاوتوماتيكي للعضو ممكن تاخدو تنبيه بـ 5 نقط مثلا على شي مخالفة , و ممكن تاخد 25 نقطة على نفس المخالفة و ممكن يوصلو لل 50 نقطة كمان و هالشي بيرجع لعدد تكرارك للمخالفة او غير مخالفة خلال فترة زمنية قصيرة.
عند تلقيك مخالفة بيظهر تحت عدد المشاركات خانة جديدة " المخالفات :" و بيوصلك رسالة خاصة عن سبب المخالفة و عدد النقط و المدة طبعا هالشي بيظهر عندكم فقط.

- أسرة شبابية سورية وعربية مسيحية ملؤها المحبة.
- توعية وتثقيف الشباب المسيحي.
- مناقشة مشاكل وهموم وأفكار شبابنا السوري العربي المسيحي.
- نشر التعاليم المسيحية الصحيحة وعدم الإنحياز بشكل مذهبي نحو طائفة معينة بغية النقد السيء فقط.
في بعض الأحيان كان من الممكن أن ينحني عن مسار أهدافه ليكون مشابه لغيره من المنتديات فكان العمل على عدم جعله منتدى ديني متخصص كحوار بين الطوائف , فنتيجة التجربة وعلى عدة مواقع تبين وبالشكل الأكبر عدم المنفعة المرجوة بهذا الفكر والمنحى , نعم قد نشير ونوضح لكن بغية ورغبة الفائدة لنا جميعا وبتعاون الجميع وليس بغية بدء محاورات كانت تنتهي دوما بالتجريح ومن الطرفين فضبط النفس صعب بهذه المواقف.

رح نكتب شوية ملاحظات عامة يا ريت الكل يتقيد فيها:
• ابحث عن المنتدى المناسب لك و تصفح أقسامه ومواضيعه جيداً واستوعب مضمونه وهدفه قبل ان تبادر بالمشاركة به , فهناك الكثير من المنتديات غير اللائقة على الإنترنت .وهناك منتديات متخصصة بمجالات معينة قد لا تناسبك وهناك منتديات خاصة بأناس محددين.
• إقرأ شروط التسجيل والمشاركة في المنتدى قبل التسجيل به واستوعبها جيدأ واحترمها و اتبعها حتى لا تخل بها فتقع في مشاكل مع الأعضاء ومشرفي المنتديات.
• اختر اسم مستعار يليق بك وبصفاتك الشخصية ويحمل معاني إيجابية ، وابتعد عن الأسماء السيئة والمفردات البذيئة ، فأنت في المنتدى تمثل نفسك وأخلاقك وثقافتك وبلدك ، كما أن الاسم المستعار يعطي صفاته ودلالته لصاحبه مع الوقت حيث يتأثر الإنسان به بشكل غير مباشر ودون ان يدرك ذلك.
• استخدم رمز لشخصيتك " وهو الصورة المستخدمة تحت الاسم المستعار في المنتدى " يليق بك و يعبر عن شخصيتك واحرص على ان يكون أبعاده مناسبة.
• عند اختيارك لتوقيعك احرص على اختصاره ، وأن يكون مضمونه مناسباً لشخصيتك وثقافتك.
• استخدم اللغة العربية الفصحى وابتعد عن اللهجات المحكية " اللهجة السورية مستثناة لكثرة المسلسلات السورية " لانها قد تكون مفهومة لبعض الجنسيات وغير مفهومة لجنسيات أخرى كما قد تكون لكلمة في لهجتك المحكية معنى عادي ولها معنى منافي للأخلاق أو مسيء لجنسية أخرى . كذلك فإن استخدامك للغة العربية الفصحى يسمح لزوار المنتدى وأعضائه بالعثور على المعلومات باستخدام ميزة البحث.
• استخدم المصحح اللغوي وراعي قواعد اللغة عند كتابتك في المنتديات حتى تظهر بالمظهر اللائق التي تتمناه.
• أعطي انطباع جيد عن نفسك .. فكن مهذباً لبقاً واختر كلماتك بحكمة.
• لا تكتب في المنتديات أي معلومات شخصية عنك أو عن أسرتك ، فالمنتديات مفتوحة وقد يطلع عليها الغرباء.
• أظهر مشاعرك وعواطفك باستخدام ايقونات التعبير عن المشاعر Emotion Icon's عند كتابة مواضيعك وردودك يجب ان توضح مشاعرك أثناء كتابتها ، هل سيرسلها مرحة بقصد الضحك ؟ او جادة أو حزينه ؟ فعليك توضيح مشاعرك باستخدام Emotion Icon's ،لأنك عندما تتكلم في الواقع مع احد وجها لوجه فانه يرى تعابير وجهك وحركة جسمك ويسمع نبرة صوتك فيعرف ما تقصد ان كنت تتحدث معه على سبيل المزاح أم الجد. لكن لا تفرط في استخدام أيقونات المشاعر و الخطوط الملونة و المتغيرة الحجم ، فما زاد عن حده نقص.
• إن ما تكتبه في المنتديات يبقى ما بقي الموقع على الإنترنت ، فاحرص على كل كلمة تكتبها ، فمن الممكن ان يراها معارفك وأصدقائك وأساتذتك حتى وبعد مرور فترات زمنية طويلة.
• حاول اختصار رسالتك قدر الإمكان :بحيث تكون قصيرة و مختصرة ومباشرة وواضحة وفي صلب مضمون قسم المنتدى.
• كن عالمياً : واعلم أن هناك مستخدمين للإنترنت يستخدمون برامج تصفح مختلفة وكذلك برامج بريد الكتروني متعددة ، لذا عليك ألا تستخدم خطوط غريبة بل استخدم الخطوط المعتاد استخدامها ، لأنه قد لا يتمكن القراء من قراءتها فتظهر لهم برموز وحروف غريبة.
• قم بتقديم ردود الشكر والتقدير لكل من أضاف رداً على موضوعك وأجب على أسئلتهم وتجاوب معهم بسعة صدر وترحيب.
• استخدم ميزة البحث في المنتديات لمحاولة الحصول على الإجابة قبل السؤال عن أمر معين أو طلب المساعدة من بقية الأعضاء حتى لا تكرر الأسئلة والاستفسارات والاقتراحات التى تم الإجابة عنها قبل ذلك.
• تأكد من أنك تطرح الموضوع في المنتدى المخصص له: حيث تقسم المنتديات عادة إلى عدة منتديات تشمل جميع الموضوعات التي يمكن طرحها ومناقشتها هنا، وهذا من شأنه أن يرفع من كفاءة المنتديات ويسهل عملية تصنيف وتبويب الموضوعات، ويفضل قراءة الوصف العام لكل منتدى تحت اسمه في فهرس المنتديات للتأكد من أن مشاركتك تأخذ مكانها الصحيح.
• استخدم عنوان مناسب ومميِّز لمشاركتك في حقل الموضوع. يفضل عدم استخدام عبارات عامة مثل "يرجى المساعدة" أو "طلب عاجل" أو "أنا في ورطة" الخ، ويكون ذلك بكتابة عناوين مميِّزة للموضوعات مثل "كيف استخدم أمر كذا في برنامج كذا" أو "تصدير ملفات كذا إلى كذا".
• إحترم قوانين الملكية الفكرية للأعضاء والمواقع والشركات، وعليك أن تذكر في نهاية مشاركتك عبارة "منقول عن..." إذا قمت بنقل خبر أو مشاركة معينة من أحد المواقع أو المجلات أو المنتديات المنتشرة على الإنترنت.
• إن أغلب المنتديات تكون موجهه لجمهور عام ولمناقشة قضايا تثقيفية وتعليمية . لذلك يجب ان تكون مشاركتك بطريقة تحترم مشاعر الآخرين وعدم الهجوم في النقاشات والحوارات. وأي نشر لصور أو نصوص أو وصلات مسيئة، خادشة للحياء أو خارج سياق النهج العام للموقع.
• المنتدى لم يوجد من أجل نشر الإعلانات لذا يجب عدم نشر الإعلانات أو الوصلات التي تشير إلى مواقع إعلانية لأي منتج دون إذن او إشارة إلى موقعك أو مدونتك إذا كنت تمتلك ذلك.
• عدم نشر أي مواد أو وصلات لبرامج تعرض أمن الموقع أو أمن أجهزة الأعضاء الآخرين لخطر الفيروسات أو الدودات أو أحصنة طروادة.
•ليس المهم أن تشارك بألف موضوع فى المنتدى لكن المهم أن تشارك بموضوع يقرأه الألوف،فالعبرة بالنوع وليس بالكم.
• عدم الإساءة إلى الأديان أو للشخصيات الدينية.
•عند رغبتك بإضافة صور لموضوعك في المنتدى ، احرص على ألا يكون حجمها كبير حتى لا تستغرق وقتاً طويلاً لتحميلها وأن تكون في سياق الموضوع لا خارجه عنه.
•الالتزام بالموضوع في الردود بحيث يكون النقاش في حدود الموضوع المطروح لا الشخص، وعدم التفرع لغيره أو الخروج عنه أو الدخول في موضوعات أخرى حتى لا يخرج النقاش عن طوره.
• البعد عن الجدال العقيم والحوار الغير مجدي والإساءة إلى أي من المشاركين ، والردود التي تخل بأصول اللياقة والاحترام.
• احترم الرأي الآخر وقدر الخلاف في الرأي بين البشر واتبع آداب الخلاف وتقبله، وأن الخلاف في الرأي لا يفسد للود قضية.
• التروي وعدم الاستعجال في الردود ، وعدم إلقاء الأقوال على عواهلها ودون تثبت، وأن تكون التعليقات بعد تفكير وتأمل في مضمون المداخله، فضلاً عن التراجع عن الخطأ؛ فالرجوع إلى الحق فضيلة. علاوة على حسن الاستماع لأقوال الطرف الآخر ، وتفهمها تفهما صحيحا.
• إياك و تجريح الجماعات أو الأفراد أو الهيئات أو الطعن فيهم شخصياً أو مهنياً أو أخلاقياً، أو استخدام أي وسيلة من وسائل التخويف أو التهديد او الردع ضد أي شخص بأي شكل من الأشكال.
• يمنع انتحال شخصيات الآخرين أو مناصبهم من خلال الأسماء أو الصور الرمزية أو الصور الشخصية أو ضمن محتوى التوقيع أو عن طريق الرسائل الخاصة فهذا يعتبر وسيلة من وسائل الإحتيال.
• إذا لاحظت وجود خلل في صفحة أو رابط ما أو إساءة من أحد الأعضاء فيجب إخطار مدير الموقع أو المشرف المختص على الفور لأخذ التدابير اللازمة وذلك بإرسال رسالة خاصة له.
• فريق الإشراف يعمل على مراقبة المواضيع وتطوير الموقع بشكل يومي، لذا يجب على المشاركين عدم التصرف "كمشرفين" في حال ملاحظتهم لخلل أو إساءة في الموقع وتنبيه أحد أعضاء فريق الإشراف فوراً.
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Metal Heads - I dare you

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  • Metal Heads - I dare you

    Metalheads are a species of man that display heightened levels of aggression, exceptional constitution and a general affection for evil-sounding, vaguely otherworldly music.


    There are three fu#king theories (and one Idea, which is long and boring, so usually discounted) to where the Metalhead has come from, it is still under speculation if any are true.
    Theory One: The earliest known Metalheads date back to Scandinavia during the 5th Century (The time Finntroll was founded). They were known as Vikings, until a large earthquake separated Britain from Scandinavia. Families were separated and some Metalheads became depressed. They left the very awesome and testicle driven Scandinavia so they could go whine about their parents not loving them. Those ex-Metalheads became Emos, and all Metalheads were so embarrassed by their close brethren that they would publicly abuse and torment them at any occasion with white hot drum stands. During the Fourth Ice Age another group of Metalheads decided to go search for food. This group, led by the noble and courageous Lemmy, crossed the Bering Strait in pursuit of antelope and loud music. But during a brutal war with the native Wiggers that inhabited the new continent, the group of Metalheads was dissolved into small of tribes of between four and six members, which came to be known as bands. This is where many historians agree that the tr00 Metalheads of our day emerged as a separate entity from their Viking brothers. It was also during this period that the Metalheads adopted their uniforms of jean jackets, long hair, black shirts, and jean pants. These were all means to keep warm during the exceedingly cold period.
    Theory Two: The Origin of the Metalheads dates back to the Egyptian area when the great Pharaoh Ozzeth Ozbournei came across a piece of heavy metal known as Iron Maidenium (Which was in the shape of a bat at the time). He mistook it for a sandwich and devoured the piece of heavy metal causing him to go insane. However during his insanity reign he took up a guitar and started to play some basic chords and changed his voice. Some of his loyal subjects heard and created instruments to go along with him. And so the Metalhead breed was formed, because anyone that was exposed to this type of music was instantaneously infected.
    Theory Three: In 1350 a group of Egyptian lute players were slaughtered by Asiatic warriors. The ghosts of the lute players did not pass on, but instead inhabited the lutes. The Egyptians discovered that the lutes had been cursed and burned the lutes. One lute however did not burn, and was scorched black by the fire. This lute was locked away in an unmarked tomb in the desert. The lute remained hidden and locked away until the Middle Ages. On a dark storming day, which has been since described as the Black Sabbath, an un-named man with a bad case of Chorea came across the Tomb of the Cursed Lute. When he lay eye upon the lute, he was immediately drawn to it. He took the Lute and brought it back to his home town. When he arrived the Soul of the dead lute player possessed the man and attempted to play for the crowd. But the man's Chorea caused his hands to shake violently while playing the lute. The music that erupted from the lute was so brutal and unheard of before that the crowds' heads began to explode. The music was named a Riff. Lute and Guitar players alike began to master the art until they became resilient to the Riff's brutalness, they began to breed. The Children were called Headbangers because the Riff made their heads rock back and forth instead of explode, and the Children who's heads didn't even rock were called Metalheads for they were as strong as metal against the power of the Riff.
    The Idea: God created humans. Two to start with: Adam, and Eve. As stated in the words of the bible, Adam ate an evil apple. This apple contained mercury and caused Adam to go mentally insane and had mental fixations of an object called a Guithahr, and wrote strange characters upon a marijuana leaf in blood. He looked at these blotches as, what one would call now-a days, a "Musical Note", and shortly after created this "Guithahr" out of bamboo, a hollowed out coconut, and strips of thin bark braided together. He stored both, the Guithar and the papyrus, in a cave somewhere in the modern day middle east, where a young man named Jesus Christ found them some 4,000 years later. Jesus Christ recited this writing to the feeble minded, and caused them to believe that he was their lord. This writing is now contained within the bible, many copies of this "bible" were made, but none were the same. The original was the only one containing the lyrics. Unfortunately, the original bible was sold to a local chariot barter for a wagon spoke and was lost in history, until a man by the name of Tom Williams in the early 16th century discovered the bible, and turned it into a play which was looked down upon and laughed at by many people for as long as the play went on. Tom Williams committed suicide with a soldering iron at the age of 62. He dropped his iron on the bible, causing it to burn. A witness, a scientist by the name of Edmund Seymore-Pillis saw the burning bible and though "That’s , maybe someone ought to write a song about a burning bible". Seymore had invented a time machine not a week from the occurrence, and decided to test it out. Pillis was launched into the future some 500 years to the year 1969. He found a man in his early adult years by the name of John Michael Osbourne, who thought Pillis's idea of burning bible lyrics was very interesting. On a walk, during their discussion, a sheet of iron fell on Pillis. John attempted to help the iron sheet off of Pillis, but Pillis died. His last words were "Get this heavy metal off of me". John thought about what he had said and believed that "Heavy Metal" should be a new subgenre of music. He and his friends began writing music about mentally unstable cargo trains and bible burning. The ones who enjoyed listening to this type of music became known as "Metal Heads" for a simple fact. General human beings don’t like to think, so, what they did, essentially, was take the first word of the genre of music, and combine it with the word "head", as many of them did those days. (I.e. Acidhead, Pothead, Crack head) generally associated with drugs.

    seen as hot, ***y, long haired guys. This is a fantasy seeing as only a select few come out this way, while most are hard to look at with the iconic greasy pony tail that is unleashed only at shows. They hang around areas such as youtube and make anti-rap, fake vs. metal videos, and anti-emo videos. They dress in skinny denim jeans (or just plain denim), any heavy metal band shirt (Specifically any thrash or an 80's metal band), and occasionally boots or chuck taylors. Metalheads are generally seen in groups harassing anyone that has a different opinion than them. And depending on what type of metalhead they are they will commit certain acts.

    Metalheads tend to hate people for no particular reason. They get up into groups and proceed with a well-known metalhead pastime known as head banging. And on special occasion, they perform the metalhead ritual known as moshing.

    Metalheads come in many different styles and shapes. This you can tell by what they are wearing, what makeup they have (applies only to emo metalcore fags), and how much they harass people. These are the different breeds of metalheads in todays society.

    A "trve" Metalhead's arch-enemy, the Metalcore Kid/Emo

    True Metalhead - Just a general Metalhead typically seen with non-tight jeans, casual shoes, and an Iron Maiden shirt. Will listen to a wide spectrum of metal from Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath to Pantera. The best and least annoying type of Metalhead, tough, down to earth, he doesnt feel the need to tell the world he likes metal with gimmicky clothing styles or cliques, he simply gets on with his own life and lets other get on with theirs.
    Headbanger Headbangers are the absolute most dangerous weakest Metalhead breed and ironically the most hardcore and brutal form of the Metalhead seeing that the words "hardcore faggot" is repeated on a regular basis. Known as the Metal *****alent of Go-Go dancers, seen standing around in packs attempting to get everyone moving while continuing their spree of windmills, which is totally not anywhere near similar to hardcore kids. With their hair that reaches below their shoulders, or longer, they engage in the mating ritual that is Headbanging, a windmill motion of their famed locks, which is used to signal other potential Headbangers into an orgy that is the Mosh. Usually seen in a pair of black gray blue or some other form of those colored pair of jeans usually completely ****ed up and sport a Band T-Shirt. Usually listen to bands that sound like Pantera, Testament, Exodus, Kreator, Slayer, Metallica, Megadeth, Nile and Arch Enemy. Not to forget that many headbangers are into NWOBHM like Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, (old) Def Leppard, Angel Witch, Saxon, Diamond Head, Motorhead, Blitzkrieg, Cloven Hoof, Satan, Demon, Avenger, Pagan Altar, etc.
    They are Known To Some times get along with Punks and Goths and sometimes like Metalcore. But they get along best with the Death Metalhead. They both understand their dangerousness. They can be found spread from America to Britain to even as far north as Norway. They typically hang out in packs or just alone in public places, Youtube or any where they are allowed where haircuts and soap is not required, which is why they're so friendly. They typically don't really bother to insult people unless they outnumber you. Most are known to be around the age of 14-85 and the fact says all headbangers do not know how to play instruments. In fact, their culture is revolved around that bit of information. Due to unwillingness or all around lack of talent, Headbangers never actually learn to make music, therefore sacrificing their necks to their idols as an attempt to still feel metal, but as dancers. Anyone who tries to argue that headbanging is not dancing should be re evaluated with its' meaning.
    Death/Black Metalhead - A very dark and dangerous ugly type of Metalhead. They are typically seen alone and wear Obituary or Gorgoroth shirts, black jeans, and boots. Al though, if one were to enter any respectable comic book store, one would find herds and herds of this breed of metal head, surrounding tables and tables of DnD and Warhammer merchandise, fully happy and in harmony with life. On special occasion they paint their faces with make-up stolen from their mothers and call it corpse paint. Never confront a death or black Metalhead alone, he will eat your soul, due to not having one due to having an active Warcraft account. They are not seen to much on the internet and normally don't make fun of others unless they are so outstandingly stupid that they deserve it but they are often seen dreaming of committing raids against the Metalcore Kid/Emo Kid and Nu-Metalheads/Mallgoths population, many times draining their blood and consuming their flesh while committing satanic rituals (oh, one day...) They also enjoy eating a good healthy breakfast of babies dipped in cancer. They also flood you with so many anti-Christian remarks, you eventually realize that Christianity really is shit, not to mention every religion, even the one they built their music around. "I like my coffee black, just like my metal." Quote that determines whether a coffee drinker is one of these kind of people. Death/Black Metal bands: Mayhem, Darkthrone, Unleashed, Emperor, Immortal, Venom, Morbid Angel, Death, Enslaved, Possessed, Entombed, and Satyricon.
    Brutal Metalhead-.... Doesn't the name explain enough?.... BRUTAL.. Metalhead?... God you are stupid. Anyways, the Brutal Metalheads are the guys that sadistically traumatized your dad, and then murdered his dog in the 90's, They are LARGE and bulky people with hair reaching to their ass with a band T-shirt and army boots and pants, that usually are seen hanging out alone or with their band, They ONLY listen to Brutal Death Metal and Grindcore, the music is basically the most hated, heavy and brutal form of music and at times are just PURE noise Such as Anal Cunt, and at times some other metal genres. They feed on flesh and guts of (Read: get taken the piss out of by)chavs(Read: get taken the piss out of by), Posers, deathcore faggots, faggots, and people they don't like, unlike the Death/Black Metalhead, the Brutal Metalhead insults EVERYONE on the internet, even other metalheads if they are posers or like deathcore, Though their insults are very accurate, their hobbies include Raping virgins, killing mallgoths/Nu-metalheads, making capes out of mallcore/emo skin and eating kittens. They are also in the superior leaders in the war Against the Mallcores/Nu-Metalheads and chavs(like to think they are at war but the people they claim to be at war with have no idea they even exist). Brutal Death Metal / Grindcore Bands: Cannibal Corpse, Skinless, Carcass, Exhumed, Suffocation, Dying Fetus, Napalm Death, Nile and Katalepsy.
    Glam/Hair/Sleaze Metalhead - These are the guys that ****ed your mom in the 80's. Very friendly most of the time when you first meet, but don't be fooled they just want to get in your pants. They have extremely long girly hair, and are generally seen in extremely flamboyant clothing. There attire consists of Cowboy Boots or Chuck Taylor high tops, tight jeans of ANY color, and a band shirt with ripped sleeves. Despite there attire however, they are rarely homo***ual in any way. Also, it is amazing to know they will probably get laid more than you ever will in your life. Glam/Hair/Sleaze Metal Bands: Skid Row, Motley Crue, Twisted Sister, Cinderella, Poison and Tigertailz.

    Power metalheads/Folk Metal/Speed Metal - Wish they lived in Middle-Earth. Wide opinion suggests that many bands have actually found a way to contact gay little elves who gave them the power to play incredibly fast. They dress in extremely odd pants, and in anything you would find at a medieval fair. Power/Folk Metal Bands: Rage, Hammerfall, Metalloid, Iced Earth, Agalloch, Korpiklaani, Helloween, Manowar, Finntroll, Blind Guardian and Equilibrium.

    Progressive Metalhead(Can be known as Epic Metal heads) - By far the most intelligent of the group. Known for having a varied taste in metal that is long and can be heavy but at the same time intelligent. Typically prog metal heads especially worship Dream Theater, Symphony X, Opeth, Meshuggah, Nevermore, Spiral Architect, Adagio, Yngwie Malmsteen, Mastodon, Rush, Steve Vai, but often delve into non metal music as well. What separates progressive metalheads from typical "prog fans" is that they often foray into other forms of metal (particuarly melodeath, see below) and share tytpical metalhead passions for internet trolling (arguably even more so, as prog metalheads make use of quasi intellectual rhetoric in theyre arguments to "pwn fags") and xenophobia towards non metal genres and cultures. Prog metalheads are typically tall, skinny, white and usually long haired and extreemly nerdy, although fat old bald dudes are also not uncommon.. The ritual of dance for a Progressive Metalhead tends to be difficult due to constant time signature shifts. So they either jerk uncontrollably. Or move so fast that you can not even see them moving at all, Giving them the title of superhuman.
    Melodeath Head - Often interchangeable with prog metalheads, only with more emphasis on melodic death metal bands i.e. old In Flames (they started to get popular with scene kids and as a result have been disowned by the tr00 metal community), Dark Tranquility, At the Gates, Hypocrisy, Children of Bodom, Soilwork, Arch Enemy, Heartwork era-Carcass, Scar Symmetry, Wintersun, Kalmah Mors Principium Est (the band whored to hell by the Anti Disney Movement to the point they actually got popular), etc. They often have near unhealthy obsessions with Scandanavia, as do many prog metalheads as well. Appearance is generally very similar to prog metalheads, and melodeath heds are also most likely to be interchangeable with video game nerds as well. Melodeath Heads also have a strong concentration in New Jersey.
    Neutral Metalhead - Can only be found in places that Heavy Metal IS DEAD (see Prince Edward Island, Canada) They Listen to any kind of Heavy Metal genre And their Mortal enemy is obviously Emo Kids/Clan/Scene for kiling Heavy Metal same as Rock N Roll. These metalheads are jokes to everyone that is not a metalhead. Heavy Metalhead - These Metalheads will listen to any music as long as it has Screaming/Gutteral vocals, or has especially heavy riffs. They Listen to Early/Classic Metal, New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, Black Metal, Death Metal, Groove Metal, Thrash Metal, Grindcore, Deathcore, and Metalcore. They do however, reject Nu Metal, and Post Hardcore. The fact that they like Metalcore and Deathcore often means that they are rejected by other types of metalheads, but it is not uncommon to see a Heavy Metalhead as a member of a diverse pack of metalheads, so long as the he is not talking about Deathcore, or Metalcore. The fact that they like some of the more extreme forms of True Metal, and stay away from Nu Metal, and Post Hardcore means that they can be classified as Metalheads instead of Metal Posers. They are usually very chill people, until you get them in a mosh pit. Then they will drastically **** someone up. A large portion of them are straight edge, although not all of them are. So while you're getting wasted, the Heavy Metalhead will be practicing Jiu Jitsu, or Krav Maga, just so he can put it into practice at the next concert he goes to. You dont want to **** with them. Heavy Metalhead's favorite bands include Lamb of God, Pantera, Suicide Silence, Job for a Cowboy, Megadeth, Slayer, Children of Bodom, Cannibal Corpse, Whitechapel, Winds of Plague, The Red Chord, Gorgoroth, Behemoth, Trivium, and Killswitch Engage

    Metal Posers
    Nu-Metalheads/Mallgoths - Listen to bands such as KoRn and Slipknot. Dress in tripp pants, any kind of Nu-Metal band shirt, mostly that same black and red slipknot shirt that they all share, it is rumored that the very shirt caused part of the yellow flue pandemic, also wearing extremely large boots found in hot topic. They are typically extremely aggressive white kids who think they can fight. They typically get along with Metalcore fans and have been rumored to have formed an alliance with the Metalcore Empire. Nu Metal Bands:Linkin Park, Slipknot, and Papa Roach.

    Avant-Garde Metalhead - The avant-Garde Metalhead, is probably the far oddest and intelligent metalhead even when compared the the progressive, They can usually be seen with their unusual hair that is basically six dreadlocks curls and the rest wildly ****ed up hair! Their taste of metal is wide but their music isnt taken serious by most people due to that it is extremely technical and confusing, while other metalheads headbang, the avant-garde metalhead has two rituals the sacred "seisurebang" that consists of headbanging and shaking violently, and the sacred hand shake resulting in the Avant-Garde Metalhead Removing his or her skeleton from his or her body then putting it back in place in a matter of seconds, they can usually be found everywhere injecting bug blood into their own and creating new breeds of stuff, or experimenting with music. Avant-Garde Metal: Mr Bungle, Meshuggah, Buckethead, Fleurety, Zul FX.
    Metalcore Kid - Typically listen to Metalcore- Dress in tight pants, have studded belts of retina damaging colors, have checkered vans or high-tops converse, and any Metalcore band shirts. They typically tend to be loners and don't cause trouble with anyone, yet are picked on for no damn reason. They also have a common belief that Atreyu(Which is not even metal) is the only form of god. They are better off than deathcore and nu-metalheads. Metalcore Bands: Avenged Sevenfold, Atreyu, Trivium, Killswitch Engage and Bullet for my Valentine.
    Deathcore Metalhead - An evolution of of the Metalcore Kid. The gayest breed of Metalhead, normally hangout in groups of 2-8. PISS THEM OFF, they are huge pussies. You can tell you're looking at a Deathcore Metalhead when you see them masturbating in your grandmothers face ... Either that or dark blue or black boot cut jeans, aysmmetrical hair(normally messy and unkempt), wears wristbands and chain necklaces, shoes range in the interest of the person, a black band T-shirts such as Despised Icon, Suicide Silence, Impending Doom. Most of them can scream, chirp, growl, or make disturbing animal noises. They wear their little sisters jeans and yell at their mommies to shrink their Suicide Silence shirts. if they don’t like your music they will tell you it blows bullshit because they know nothing about music. Remember, they're Fvcking Br00tal, and the fan girls of Deathcore are particularly scene kids. They are always hated by the gayass "tr00 mehktul" elitists. These metalheads are a joke to the tr00 Metalheads above and to nature itself.
    Deathcore Bands: Bring me the Horizon, Suicide Silence, Winds of Plague, Glass Casket, I Killed The Prom Queen, Whitechapel, God Forbid, Salt the Wound, The Black Dalhia Murder, As Bloood Runs Black, All Shall Perish, The Acacia Strain, and early Job For A Cowboy material.
    Participation in The War of Rock

    Metalheads were an important ally for the Loyalist forces in the series of world-wide conflict known as The War of Rock. Although it is a metalhead's tendancy to go against anything non-metal, their blind hatred for/ need of nournishment from the Emo Kids, Nazi-Punks, Rockers, Scene Kids, etc. of the "New Rocking Order" forced the metal armies out of isolation from the rest of the music world, and entered the conflict, horns raised, heads banging.
    Metal doctrine is at the heart of the root cause of the conflict. The argument started when Jack Black announced to the public that he believed the "New Rocking Order" to be "Homo***ual Loser Pigmies, who couldn't Rock like Dio, who rocked for a long long time..."
    Many metal army divisions won key victories for the Loyalist forces. Taking a hiatus from their status as Jesus, the underground band of Iron Maiden are responsible for single-handedly defeating Funeral for a Friend and Korn in a single day. Another famous battle is the Battle for Hollywood, specifically the Thrash Charge. The bands Metallica, Anthrax, Slayer, Thrashold, Megadeth, Nuclear Assault, Sodom, Kreator, Overkill, Destruction and Testament snuck up the hill to the Hollywood sign and caught General Avril Lavigne by surprise. What followed was 4 hours of a bunch of guys beating up a woman. Rest assured, they all thought they were big men by the end of it. After the outbreak of the second series of Rock Wars, known as the Rock Wars of 2050, metalheads were prepared to step in and once again use their amazing talents of murder and rape to destroy the New Rock Order. Although the joint-assasin missions by Limp Bizkit, MTV nearly crippled metal with the losses of Randy Rhoads, Cliff Burton, Chuck Schuldiner and Dimebag Darrel, the Loyalists gained the greatest ally anyone could ever use, other than Bruce Campbell: Led Zeppelin.
    Many legendary metal bands were instilled with hope for their cause when they saw Led Zeppelin descend from heaven, including Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, and the remaining members of Pantera (With Zakk Wylde on guitar duties filling in for Dimebag Darrell). They held reunion tours around the world and slaughtered millions of emos.
    After serving valiantly and losing a many number of their own, metalheads at the end of the conflicts were praised as veterans from the surviving Loyalists. Although this is true, the response from the metal community was a simple middle-finger/devil-horns combination while they returned to the land from whence they came, ready to defend their genre if ****ing shit like Korn or Limp Bizkit ever lives again.

    Metal Chicks

    Metal chicks are into BDSM. But they don't like to be submissive...
    The female metalheads are often chicks with hot bodies but ugly faces, though metal chicks with pretty faces are fairly common as well. Like ordinary humans, the Metal Chick is dominant over the male, deciding where he sleeps, what he does all day, what he can eat, and when he can breathe. Unlike ordinary humans, however, the metal chick will not punish the male by withholding ***; rather, metal chicks actually have a way to punish their males by having *** with them. The Metal Chick has a second set of teeth, one that isn't in her mouth.
    Metal Chicks are known for being the most dominant female *** partners in existance, being ultra-sadistic. One de******ion of having *** with a female metalhead comes from the survivor George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher, who wrote a de******ion of his encounter with the Metal Chick. Poor guy.
    Those female metalheads who are not sadistic will always be 'the man' in bed. You should keep these things in mind to avoid being raped by metal chicks.
    If you hear a metal band will be doing a concert in your local area, leave the town and stay somewhere else until the band has moved on. After metal chicks are done flashing their tits to the band members, they'll always go out and find young men to rape.
    Keep a good supply of garlic, silver, and holy water. These items have been proven effective in repelling all metalheads.
    Don't listen to emo, rap, pop, or punk. Remember that metalheads live on a diet of emo kids, chavs, and punks. Forms of music other than metal are signs to a metalhead that food is not far away.
    If you do end up getting raped by a metal chick, keep this in mind:
    Whatever you do, don't irritate the metal chick. She can use her second set of teeth at will.
    Don't resist. Resisting will irritate her. Besides, she has the strength of ten people so resisting is kinda pointless.
    While being raped, don't cry or fearfully scream for help. Instead, yell angrily at the top of your lungs, as it sounds like metal singing, which will please the metal chick, making her less inclined to hurt you.

    Metalheads in today's culture

    Today's metalhead is watching you.
    Today, metalheads are characterized as people who wander around starting fights over the internet for no apparent reason. They can be sighted at concerts wearing their jackets covered in band patches, taken from the medieval practice of bearing the coat of arms on a shield. For example, the House of Slayer has been beating the shit out of Cute is What We Aim For for quite some time. The mortal enemies of the Metalhead clans are great in number, including the Emo/Scene Clan and the Posers, as well as the Hardcore try hard clan, a wretched crew of flesh which crawls from deep, subterranean pools of custard. They pretty much hate anyone who's either an Emo, Prep, Chavs because they all share the idea that metal is a joke genre.
    An everyday Metalhead's favorite hobbies include:
    Being incredibly Discriminate (Also known to be racist)
    Writing with a complete disregard for grammer, puncuation, or any sense of modern english (exception: Prog and Melodeath heads, who use quasi intellectual literate responses for the same trolling purposes).
    Going to shows and pwning scene kids in moshpits
    Putting together bands that usually last for about a month

    A rare instance where a Metalhead is right about something
    Living in Mothers' basement.
    Going around saying that you shouldn't listen to anything except Slayer.
    That's pretty much all.
    Making Anti Rap/Emo/Pop Videos In You Tube (Read: being intolerant and small minded)
    Showing hardcore punks real moshpit wounds ("I can hurt myself more!!" "durrr... no I can hurt myself more!!")]

    A Day In The Life of A Metalhead...

    This basically sums it up right here... check these clips out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H73dS...eature=related
    Hope you like this i think dethklok make the typical Metalhead in the daily life

    In last and most importantly
    I haven wrote all of this but i've wrote some of it and i've took the rest from the followin sites/friends :
    friends of mine who have helped me :
    des nkrt oklr reoks hur opipolkn apolox Clifford Icht Desnos

  • #2
    رد: Metal Heads - I dare you



    • #3
      رد: Metal Heads - I dare you

      Shady listen i know you in reality your such a nice guy
      look your lovley and sweet
      so dont waste your time on these stuff
      am not telling you to stop bring a metal head no but dont waste your time on threads like this
      by the way your personalty is so so sweet and warm and just amazing your a copy from my brother Cliff look you have wasted about an hour for this thread , why , shady you have got lots of friends so just dont be a geek

      Merci loverboy


      • #4
        رد: Metal Heads - I dare you

        WOO WOO WAIT !
        Am not a geek
        never bent and i'll never be a geek and you said soo

        but am a metal head , war head and a death head so am not like every one no hell no ! i know that am spending time on'em but at least i'am proud

        by the way am so proud for being a small copy of Cliff

        Thanks for passing by steph and will talk about it tonight while we hang out

